Thursday, June 23, 2011

Jason Young: Verdict Watch

Testimony in the trial of Jason Young for the first degree murder of his pregnant wife, Michelle Marie Fisher Young, wrapped up yesterday.  Defense attorneys and prosecutors presented their closing arguments to the jury today, and the fate of Jason Young is now in the hands of twelve jurors. 

As fate would have it, the forum we have been using to discuss the trial is down for maintenance.  In the meantime, I've opened a Verdict Watch thread at our original forum.

Original Forum:  Friction Powered Information Exchange
Alternate Forum:  FPX II (temporarily down for maintenance)


FPX II is back online.  We'll continue the discussion there.  Sorry for any confusion. 

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Jason Young Trial

Discussion of the trial has been moved to FPX II due to ongoing technical difficulties at the original FPX.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Jason Young Trial: Opening Statements

The FPX forum is on the blink and WRAL is having some technical difficulties.  I'll post updates in the comment section of this blog entry. 

FPX Forum Poll

The original FPX forum is still having technical difficulties.  Vote at the following link whether to remain at the original FPX and hope the problems are worked out or move permanently to the Alternate FPX:

For those of you not already registered there, it is NOT necessary to enter a phone number.  Just click the PASS button a few times until it stops asking you.  I will activate your account as soon as I see your registration, and you will be able to log in and post.