I realize that some of you are waiting to hear about our trip to Chattanooga, but I'm just too swamped to deal with composing an entry about it right now. I've got to make a trip to the Pumpkin Patch, attend school Halloween parties, man a caramel apple booth at the Fall Carnival, assemble costumes, carve pumpkins, dig a grave (sort of), and buy candy -- all in the next few days. There's probably some other stuff that I'm forgetting about right now, not to mention all the regular domestic stuff that is piling up. I'm not sure who I relate to more -- Ichabod Crane or the Headless Horseman. Probably both, alternately. So have a happy Halloween and I'll see you on the other side!
Click this link to Carve a Pumpkin!
Welcome back!
We are not prepared at all for Halloween. Last time I did this I managed to get their costumes for about $5 though, getting REAL lucky w/their sizes. I'm trying to convince them to just let me put gory makeup on them and wear the capes in the attic....so far that's not working.
I SO lucked out this year w/halloween costumes! My son wants to be a baseball player from our local AL team and he's got lots of items from that team to pick from to go with his baseball pants etc. My daughter wants to be a cheerleader and the homemade costume from about 10 years ago from her older sister fits her perfectly! My youngest will wear what she wore last year because it still fits! lol
Too bad the forecast is RAIN and they'll probably be wearing ponchos and other warm clothing! Now why didn't I think of buying orange ponchos for all of them?
Hope yours goes wonderfully!
Hi Taximom! Congratulations on the costumes! We aren't expecting any rain here, but it's supposed to be cold and windy. Too bad Halloween wasn't tonight. It's nice and warm out right now. I'll be escorted by Captain Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, and a zombie. I, myself, will not be dressing up. Who has time for that?!
I bought some of those funny looking teeth for my "costume". It cracks them up every time. They even light up.
In a couple of years I'm sure I'll be able to use my own teeth. lol
Have fun tonight!
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